There are many ways we propagate our plants. By division, cuttings and of course from seed. Divisions are wonderful way to get some pieces of well established plants. Some plants can be cut up into fairly small pieces to get a lot future stock. Some slowly crown over time, creating small plants that can be pulled apart from the mother plant. This can be slow, especially for the nicest plants. Cuttings and grafting is a refined skill in the nursery trade. Some plants are fairly easy others need more elaborate systems and techniques. Both, however, can be pretty productive in building plant stock. Growing from seed is the other way we propagate our plants, which is great for getting the best genetic diversity and because of the incredible diversity of seed available in the modern world.

This is really our passion. Finding these beautiful and important plants in whatever form. Learning how to propagate them and nurse them along. Finally getting strong, adapted and well established plants into the hands of people that love them.

A gallery of our work…

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is today.”